Back to School
PLEASE NOTE: Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to view all forms and information.
Parents must be familiar with the following information. Please review all relevant information with your child(ren) before school begins. Please Read, Fill out, Sign and Return the following forms to the Main Office by FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2024.
Any questions please call your child’s School Counselor
at 203-661-8500:
GRADE 6 – Mrs. Alfano
GRADE 7 – Mrs. Davis
GRADE 8 – Mrs. Palange
☐ Handbook Acknowledgement Form
☐ Press Publicity/Denial Permission Form
☐ Student Device Loan Form: If your child is a.) new to the District; or b.) is entering middle school (6th grade), please complete a Student Device Loan Form. This is an electronic form where you may indicate that you accept responsibility for any intentional or negligent damage to your child's iPad or Chromebook. You must accept this responsibility if you wish to allow your child to take their device home.
☐ Authorization for Medical Care Form
(Form/permission must be submitted in order to provide emergency medical treatment)
☐ Health Forms/Records of Immunizations
(All students entering Kindergarten, Grades 3, 6 and 10 and any student new to the Greenwich Public Schools, must submit completed Health Forms in order to remain in school)
Parents are strongly encouraged to read and be familiar with the following information and submit the relevant forms to authorize permission or opt out of participation as preferred.
☐ Food Services including: School Lunch Debit Account Form, the Free or Reduced Price Lunch Letter, and the Free or Reduced Price Lunch Form
☐ Free and Reduced Price Lunch/Free Breakfast for All Letter
☐ Student Accident Insurance – HSR K-12 Student & Athlete Insurance Program
Much of the most pressing information you might be looking for can be found at the top of any Greenwich Public Schools webpages under "Quicklinks." Below are listed a few items which you might find helpful during the first week of school.
First Time Aspen Family Portal instructions
Other Parent Portal Information
Any questions about the family portal may be directed to:
Parents are strongly encouraged to read and be familiar with the following information.
☐ School and District Calendars
☐ Greenwich Board of Education Meeting Calendar